Marriage at St Luke’s

St Luke’s Church offers marriage to those who wish to bring their relationship before God to be blessed.

In order to be married you need to come and talk to a priest, either on a Saturday at 10.00 a.m. or by booking an appointment at another time.

The marriage service normally lasts up to thirty minutes, and donations for the upkeep of the church are most welcome; there are collection plates at the back of the church.

Marriage is a gift of God in creation through which husband and wife may know the grace of God. It is given that as man and woman grow together in love and trust, they shall be united with one another in heart, body and mind, as Christ is united with his bride, the Church. The gift of marriage brings husband and wife together in the delight and tenderness of sexual union and joyful commitment to the end of their lives. It is given as the foundation of family life in which children are born and nurtured and in which each member of the family, in good times and in bad, may find strength, companionship and comfort, and grow to maturity in

Marriage is a way of life made holy by God, and blessed by the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ with those celebrating a wedding at Cana in Galilee. Marriage is a sign of unity and loyalty which all should uphold and honour. It enriches society and strengthens community.

No one should enter into it lightly or selfishly but reverently and responsibly in the sight of almighty God. The couple enters into this way of life. They each give their consent to the other and make solemn vows, and in token of this they each give and receive a ring. The Church prays with them that the Holy Spirit will guide and strengthen them, that they may fulfil God’s purposes for the whole of their earthly life together.